Install Ryax on Kubernetes

We assume that you are comfortable with Kubernetes. To keep this guide short, we leave out details on the Kubernetes commands.


All you need to install Ryax is a Kubernetes cluster and Docker installed on your machine. You can get a managed Kubernetes instance from any Cloud provider. For a local development installation please refers the Getting Started Guide.

Supported Kubernetes versions:

  • kubernetes > 1.19


  • At least 2 CPU core

  • 4GB or memory

  • 40GB of disk available

Note that depending on the Actions that you run on your cluster you might need more resources.

Preparatory Steps

  • Make sure your configuration point to the intended cluster: kubectl config current-context.

  • Your Kubernetes cluster dedicated to Ryax: we offer no guarantee that Ryax runs smoothly alongside other applications.

  • Make sure you have complete admin access to the cluster. Try to run kubectl auth can-i create ns or kubectl auth can-i create pc, for instance.

    $ kubectl auth can-i create ns
    Warning: resource 'namespaces' is not namespace scoped
  • Have access to a DNS server where you can add a new A or CNAME entry for your cluster.

Configure your Installation

Installing Ryax is analogous to installing a Helm chart. To begin we will start with a default configuration, and make a few tweaks so that everything is compatible with your Kubernetes provider. Be assured however that you will be able to fine-tune your installation later on.


Special warning for EKS (AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service)

Ryax requires persistent storage and by default, EKS does not provide any storage driver. Please, install the EBS CSI plugin with:

cluster_name=<My cluster name>
AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=<My AWS account id e.g. 111122223333>

eksctl create iamserviceaccount \
  --name ebs-csi-controller-sa \
  --namespace kube-system \
  --cluster $cluster_name \
  --role-name AmazonEKS_EBS_CSI_DriverRole \
  --role-only \
  --attach-policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEBSCSIDriverPolicy \

eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider --cluster=$cluster_name --approve

eksctl create addon --name aws-ebs-csi-driver --cluster $cluster-name --service-account-role-arn arn:aws:iam::$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID:role/AmazonEKS_EBS_CSI_DriverRole --force

See the the official documentation for more details.

Also be aware that you cannot use Fargate because it does not support persistent storage


First create a directory to organize the Ryax installation and initialize it with the default configuration:

mkdir ryax_install
cd ryax_install
docker run \
  -v $PWD:/data/volume \
  ryaxtech/ryax-adm:latest init --values volume/values.yaml

You are now in the ryax_install folder and the values.yaml containing the default config was created.


All the following commands assume that you are in the ryax_install directory.

To explain the configuration fields, here is an example of simple configuration file for Ryax:

# The Ryax version
version: 24.06.0

# Cluster DNS
clusterName: myclustername

# Log level for all Ryax services
logLevel: info

# Set the storage size for each stateful service
  pvcSize: 10Gi
  pvcSize: 40Gi
  pvcSize: 20Gi

# Enable Prometheus + Grafana monitoring
  enabled: true

# Use HTTPS by default
  enabled: true

# Automate HTTPS with Let's Encrypt
  enabled: false

# Depends on your Kubernetes instance. Leave it empty to use the default
storageClass: ""

The Ryax installation is based on Helm charts, one for each service with a helmfile to define the whole cluster configuration.

To customize your installation. You can set any configuration field using the values keyword. A detailed description of all the values can be found in ryax-adm/helm-charts/values.yaml.


Set the version field with the Ryax version, for example: 23.10.0. The latest stable version can be found in the releases page.

The clusterName and domainName defines the name you give to your cluster, which is used in various places. One of those places is the URL of your cluster that will be <clusterName>.<domainName>, therefore it has to be consistent with your DNS.

If you do not intend to configure a DNS cluster, just leave this to the default value and disable the certManager, and in this case be aware you will access Ryax through the IP address directly and https certificate will be self-signed.


Depending on your Kubernetes cluster setup, you might have issue with Cert Manager which is use to get a valid HTTPS certificate. See the Cert Manager compatibility documentation for more details.

If you want to deal with the certificate yourself, you can disable it with:

  enabled: false

An important configuration is the storageClass. If not set, Ryax will use the default one provided by the Kubernetes cluster for all services. But, the volumes are used to store the internal database (datastore), object store for workflows IO (filestore), and a container registry for the Ryax Actions containers (registry) which all affect your Ryax instance performance, so it is recommended to have SSD backed storage for all services to avoid delays state persistence, deployments, and runs. For more fine grained settings you can set each storage class independently with the storageClass inside each service. Regarding the volume size, we recommend that you start small, you can extend them later on with most Storage providers. The default values give comfortable volume sizes to start working on the platform.

Install Ryax

First, be sure that your Kubernetes context is set properly. Make sure that either your KUBECONFIG variable is set and point to you cluster, or that the ~/.kube/config file contains you cluster configuration. See Preparatory steps to check you cluster access.


Depending on the Cloud provider you are using you might have to mount its configuration inside the container. For the following providers add the associated option:

  • Microsoft Azure: -v $HOME/.azure:/root/.azure

  • Google Cloud: -v $HOME/.config/gcloud:/root/.config/gcloud

  • AWS: -v $HOME/.aws:/root/.aws

Once you have customized your configuration you can install Ryax on your cluster (don’t forget to add extra option, see previous warning):

docker run \
  -v $PWD:/data/volume \
  -v $HOME/.kube/config:/data/kubeconfig.yml \
  ryaxtech/ryax-adm:latest apply --values volume/values.yaml --suppress-diff


Optionally you can populate your cluster with some first action to use in your workflows (don’t forget to add extra option, see previous warning):

docker run \
  -v $PWD:/data/volume \
  -v $HOME/.kube/config:/data/kubeconfig.yml \
  --entrypoint=helm \
  ryaxtech/ryax-adm:latest \
  upgrade --install ryax-init ./helm-charts/ryax-init -n ryaxns

If the installation fails, check the logs, check your configuration and try again. If you are lost, or have any questions, please join our Discord server. We will be happy to help!

Configure your DNS

The last step is configuring your DNS so that you can connect to your cluster. The address you should register is <clusterName>.<domainName>.

To retrieve the external IP of your cluster, run this one-liner

kubectl -n kube-system get svc traefik -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[].ip}'
# OR dpending on your provider
kubectl -n kube-system get svc traefik -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[].hostname}'

Or simply look at the response of kubectl -n kube-system get svc traefik, under “External IP”.

Depending on your Cloud provider you will have an IP address which requires a A entry, or a DNS (AWS) that requires you to create a CNAME entry.

Once your entry is created, and only if tls is enabled, you will have to wait for Let’s Encrypt to provide you a valid certificate. You can check with:

kubectl get certificates -n ryaxns

The state should be READY: true.

Access to your cluster

Now you can access to you cluster with https://<clusterName>.<domainName> on your web browser.

Default credentials are user1/pass1


Change this password and user as soon as you’re logged in!

Cluster Update

The Ryax configuration is declarative, so in order to update your cluster you just have to change the configuration and apply it.


You need to configure your Kubernetes cluster access and to set the Cloud provider specific otions, see installation process for more details.

The Ryax configuration is stored as a secret inside your cluster after each successful apply. You can get the actual cluster configuration from the cluster itself with:

docker run \
    -v $PWD:/data/volume \
    -v $HOME/.kube/config:/data/kubeconfig.yml \
    ryaxtech/ryax-adm:latest init --from-cluster --values volume/ryax_values.yaml


Before any updates, do a backup <./create-backups.html> and have a look at the changelog to see if there is any extra step needed.

Now you can simply change the version field in the configuration before applying the configuration like in the installation steps described above.