Public actions and triggers¶
Here is the list of actions and triggers builtin Ryax.
The code source of these actions are published in an open source license and can be found here.
Web hosting for static content
1.4Host a set of static file can be use static web site or any directory full of files
Run once
1.1Launches a single run of the workflow
1.5Triggered on receiving data on an HTTP POST request or through an online integrated form.
Cron source
1.0Trigger a new run with regards to the cron expression provided.
MQTT Source
1.0Ingest data from an MQTT server. Each message on the given topic will trigger a run.
Trigger workflow From Gitlab merge request
1.0This action is triggered when a new merge request is created, an existing merge request was updated/merged/closed or a commit is added in the source branch on Gitlab. Use this url to create an event : Select Merge requests events and set the url of the action and the secret token from inputs.
Emit Every
1.2Create a new run at a given rate
Trigger workflow From Gitlab pipeline
1.0This action is triggered when A Gitlab pipeline status changes. Use this url to create an event : Select Pipeline events and set the url of the action and the secret token from inputs.
Trigger workflow From Gitlab release
1.0This action is triggered when a release is created or updated on Gitlab. Use this url to create an event : Select Release events and set the url of the action and the secret token from inputs.
Send e-mail
1.1This action sends email using an SMTP server (doesn't support Gmail host).
Publish alert on slack channel
1.0Publish notifications on slack channel with Apprise. Generate Webhook URL from
Archive a directory
1.1Archive a directory into a zip file.
Publish a tweet on twitter
1.0Publish a tweet message on twitter. Create a twitter app from and then generate access token from "generate the Access Tokens" menu
Push a float into influxdb
1.1Save a float to an influxdb instance.
Print Environment
1.1Print the environment of the module: all the environements variables and all the files.
Upload file to aws
1.0Upload input file to an AWS Bucket
Unpack zipfile
1.0Unpack a zipfile.
String to Text File
1.0Write the input string to a text file and output it
Send e-mail with attachment file
1.1This action sends email with attachment file using an SMTP server (doesn't support Gmail host).
Cat content of a file
1.0Get the content of a file and put in the output of this action, as a string.
Google cloud storage
1.0Push file and directory to Google Cloud Storage
1.2Sleep for a given number of seconds
Send a message to cliq
1.0Publish a message to cliq channel.
Download an object from AWS S3 Bucket.
1.1Download file using given object key from s3 bucket and matching strategy.
Echo inputs into outputs
1.2Echo all inputs into outputs. For testing purpose!
SQL Query
1.0Make an SQL query and return the result in a file.
And more to come…¶
Here’s a not exhaustive/non-guaranteed list of the public actions & triggers we are currently working on… get in touch with us for updates!
Google Sheet