Configure Ryax

To configure Ryax we use a single configuration file that you’ve created during the installation of the cluster. You can set the configuration of any services of Ryax in this file of called values.yaml.

To set a configuration value for a specific service, add a values section in this service. For example, to set the default idle time before undeploying an Action, set in the runner section:

    # undeploy after 10s instead of 300s
    userActionsRetentionTime: 10

Then, apply the configuration using ryax-adm. See the installation documentation

Some configuration parameters are not exposed in the Helm charts directly. Thus, you can check at the source code in the /ryax/<service name>/ where all configuration environment variables are defines and add one using the extraEnv parameter. For example,

      value: "100"

More details on each service configuration on the following sections

Runner configuration

Configuration parameter of Ryax regarding Action deployment and execution are set in the Runner service configuration under the name runner. See the Helm chart documentation for more details.

Studio configuration

Configuration parameter of Ryax regarding Workflow edition are set in the Studio service configuration under the name studio. See the Helm chart documentation for more details.